In early May 2019, FLASHNET showcased its smart street lighting solution, inteliLIGHT, during the IoT Innovatech 2019 conference in Santiago de Chile, one of the main centers of IoT development in South America.
Flashnet, a European company part of the Engie Group, participated to the conference at the invitation of their partner, Convergia. Convergia is part of a global multi-billion-dollar technology group, with a strong Pan-American presence and more than 15 years of innovations in IT and telecommunications.
Thousands of representatives from more than 10 countries came to IOT Innovatech 2019 in Santiago to learn more about latest smart city technologies and IOT developments. Through strategic and technical sessions, the discussions covered multiple interests: from introductory information needed to understand and evaluate large scale IoT solutions to details about the main verticals in the industry.
European Smart city technology meets LatAm cities
Flashnet was represented in Chile by their CEO, Lorand Mozes: “We are honored that Convergia, our partner in Latin-America, has invited Flashnet to play such an important role during Innovatech. It gave us the opportunity to speak about inteliLIGHT® and our smart city vision, as a confirmation of our technology’s value for the safety of cities and citizens all around the world. Thanks to this invitation, we are going to intensify our efforts and aim for a significant expansion on the continent.”
inteliLIGHT® was received with acclaim by local municipalities and integrators from more than 10 countries. Besides finding out about Flashnet’s vision about the opportunities of IoT and Smart City integrations, the visitors had the opportunity to experience first-hand the functionalities, the software user interface and the main benefits of inteliLIGHT. Flashnet has been proud to meet and learn from leading international leaders, create new business opportunities and expand their professional networks.